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Our Beliefs

Here we'll share the core tenets that shape our faith and guide our community. Explore our foundational beliefs, values, and principles that inspire us to worship, serve, and grow together. Join us on this journey of spiritual discovery as we seek to live out our convictions in love and unity. Discover what makes our faith community unique and how our shared beliefs form the bedrock of our vibrant and inclusive church family.


The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, ultimately authoritative Word of God in all matters of faith and practice. 


We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin. He performed miracles; lived a sinless life; redeemed us by His atoning death through His shed blood; was bodily resurrected; He ascended to the right hand of the Father; and He will personally return in power and glory.

Sand Dunes

The Trinity

We believe there is One God, existent in three persons - Father, Son and, Holy Spirit.


We believe in the total inability of man to save himself through human effort. Salvation is a free gift to all who believe in the finished work of Christ's atoning death for sin on the cross.


The Holy Spirit

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is empowered to live a victorious life by whose administration the Christian Church receives miraculous gifts and ministries in this present day. 


We believe in the institution of marriage. Strong marriages make strong families, strong families make for strong churches and communities. Marriage is a divine covenant between a man and a woman.

Wedding Rings
Sand Dunes


We believe every man shall stand before the judgement seat of Christ to give an account of the stewardship of his earthly life.

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